Why Size Matters With Your Air Conditioner
Homes in Portland TX have different needs when it comes to air conditioning, and one of the biggest factors that determine how well an HVAC system is whether it’s sized appropriately for the area it covers. Believe it or not, an air conditioning unit can be too big or too small, and you may experience adverse effects from an unsuitably sized system.
Factors that air conditioner size can affect
Some ways that the size of your air conditioning unit plays a role in your home include:
- Wear and tear.
The more your air conditioning unit shuts down and starts back up, the quicker the equipment wears out and becomes more inefficient.
- Air quality.
If your air conditioning unit runs for shorter periods, it has a harder time removing contaminants like mold, dander, and allergens from your home.
- Operating costs.
Improperly sized air conditioning units may be forced to run longer and harder, which results in a more expensive utility bill.
- Comfort.
Since size affects performance, an air conditioning unit that’s not appropriately sized for the space it covers makes it harder to live in ideal comfort.
When an air conditioning unit is too big
An oversized air conditioning unit starts and stops frequently. Once it’s sufficiently conditioned the air of a small home, it shuts down. The constant alternation in that cycle can cause it to overheat and place more stress on its components. The excess cooling power can also result in uncomfortably high humidity and inconsistent cooling levels throughout the house.
When an air conditioning unit is too small
Conversely, an undersized air conditioning unit struggles to keep a large house sufficiently cool. It has to work all the time, in cycles of 30 minutes or even more, to keep the home comfortable enough. That extra power also results in expensive utility bills and contributes to your unit’s wear and tear.
Air conditioning experts in Portland TX